Configure Prompt Catalog

Picture of Kalanithi Balasubramanian

Kalanithi Balasubramanian

Updated on April 10, 2024

The Prompt Catalog feature in GPTfy allows you to assign specific business purpose prompts to particular profiles and activate them. Now, a new business purpose card can be added as preferred by the organization.

This helps in creating specific prompts and grouping them under a tailored business purpose. This article provides a step-by-step guide on how to configure the Prompt Catalog feature in GPTfy.

Step 1: Access the Prompt Catalog Tab

  • Open GPTfy from App Launcher.

  • Once the GPTfy is open, navigate to the Prompt Catalog tab.

  • Click on the Catalog tab to proceed.

Step 2: Select a Business Purpose

  • In the Prompt Catalog tab, you will find a list of available business purposes.

  • Click on the desired business purpose from the list.

Step 3: View and Manage Prompts

  • After selecting a business purpose, the next page displays a list of prompts associated with that purpose.

  • The page also provides information about the connection type and status of each prompt.

  • Review the list of prompts and if any prompts need to be activated, select them accordingly.

Step 4: Select Required Prompts

  • Based on your business requirements, select the prompts that are needed.

  • Choose the prompts relevant to your current needs and click on the “Next” button.

Step 5: Configure the Prompts

  • On the configuration page, you will find the mapping and object information related to the selected prompt.

  • Review the configuration details and click on the “Next” button to proceed.

Step 6: Enable Prompts for Specific Profiles

  • The enable page allows you to specify the profiles for which the prompt will be made available.

  • Select the profile name from the available options and add it to the box right to it.

  • Click on the “Finish” button to activate the prompt for the selected profile.

Step 7: Verify Prompt Activation

  • After enabling the prompts, check the list of prompts.

  • Inactive prompts will now be active and assigned to the selected profile.

Create your own

This feature allows the creation of a new business purpose card depending on how the prompts that are going to be created can be grouped.

The step-by-step procedure for creating this custom purpose card is as follows,


Step 1: Select ‘Create your own’ card

  • Click on the ‘Create your own’ card on the list of catalog cards available.

  • This will open up a window.

Step 2: Add Details

Step 3: Click Save.

  • Once Save button is clicked, it will validate for all the required data.

  • Upon saving, a new tile in the prompt catalog will be created when the page is reloaded.
  • A new custom metadata record under GPTfy card configurations will be created and enabled. Make sure the list view is selected as Catalog.
  • Once the card is created, whenever a prompt is created for this purpose, it can be added in the prompt’s additional setting window.
  • Users can edit the Prompt Catalog card by clicking on the pencil icon. To delete, click on the Delete button.

So, that’s the breakdown on configuring the Prompt Catalog in GPTfy!

By following these steps, you can organize your prompts for business purposes and make them accessible to the specific profiles that need them.

Happy prompting!