Create Contextual Emails with AI in Salesforce

Let AI analyze your sales activities to spot risks quickly, create opportunities, and lead follow-up email first drafts. This will help you save time and manage opportunities more effectively.

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Sales Reps, Convert Leads, Save Time

Create Contextual Follow-Up Emails

Generates follow-up emails based on past conversations, helping you move leads to opportunities faster with AI.

Eliminate Grunt Work

Reduce time spent reading through emails and drafting responses. AI handles the basics, letting you focus on converting leads into revenue-generating opportunities.

Sales Managers, Identify Risks, Manage Effectively

Spot Deal Risks Instantly

Use AI to review activity history and identify if your deals are at risk. Get sentiment analysis and rationale in seconds without manually digging through each opportunity.

Streamline Sales Management

Quickly assess the status of your deals with AI and have more time to focus on leading your sales team and closing more deals.

Sales Leaders, Increase Efficiency, Drive Results

Make Informed Decisions Quickly

With AI providing insights into customer sentiment and next steps, you can make faster, data-driven decisions to keep your deals on track.

Enhance Team Productivity

By reducing the manual tasks associated with lead conversion and risk assessment, AI frees up your team to focus on what matters—closing deals and driving growth.

Check out other use cases

Easily pull insights from financial reports, contracts, and other key documents.

Use AI to help your sales team make better decisions and close more deals.

Use AI to understand and sort emails quickly, making it easier and faster to help your customers.

Frequently asked questions

What is GPTfy?

GPTfy is the Salesforce-native, enterprise-grade solution that accelerates your Salesforce integration with ChatGPT.

How does GPTfy work?

GPTfy anonymizes and securely sends relevant Salesforce data to ChatGPT and other AI services for processing. It brings back the results right inside Salesforce. This lets your Sales, Customer Success, Marketing, and other Salesforce users benefit from AI-based automation.

How much time does it take to implement GPTfy?

GPTfy comes with drop-in integration and takes less than an hour to set up. The integration may require more time depending on the AI selected and your requirements. Contact us to understand your needs and provide a better estimate.

Is GPTfy GDPR, CCPA, CPRA, and HIPAA compliant?

GPTfy processes data on the Salesforce platform before sending it to the AI server. For Salesforce’s compliance with various regulations, please refer to

AI-related regulatory requirements depend on your integration and security choices. Please contact us so that we can help address this better.

How can I get started with GPTfy?

Schedule a meeting with us to get started with ChatGPT integration in Salesforce. During the meeting, we will understand your needs and get you started.