Solution Steps
Step 1: Open Developer Console
Click on the Setup and open Developer Console.
Step 2: Access Execute Anonymous Window
Click on the Debug and ‘Open Execute Anonymous window.’
Step 3: Paste AI Invocation Code
ccai.AIPromptProcessingInvokable.RequestWrapper wrap = new ccai.AIPromptProcessingInvokable.RequestWrapper();
wrap.promptRequestId = 'e7190d2165134853fd3f94fe9c2ae23baabb0'; //pass prompt request ID
wrap.recordId = '0018d00000voNlAAAU'; //pass the record Id of the object, eg: AccountId
wrap.customPromptCommand = ''; //pass the prompt command if the prompt allows user input
//Calling the AI using the pre-built methods
List responses = ccai.AIPromptProcessingInvokable.processRequest(
new List{wrap}
//Checking and parsing the response received from the AI
if(responses != null && !responses.isEmpty()){
ccai.AIPromptProcessingInvokable.ResponseWrapper response = responses.get(0);
System.debug('AI Response Id: '+response.responseId);
System.debug('Actual Response: '+response.responseBody);
System.debug('AI Response Status: '+response.status);
System.debug('Error Message: '+response.message);
Step 4: Configure Prompt and Record IDs
Replace and add the desired Prompt Request Id and Record Id, as shown below. If the prompt is created with ‘Allow User Input,’ the user can add the prompt command to the code before running it.
Step 5: Execute Code with Logging
Check the checkbox ‘Open Logs’ and click on the Execute button.
Step 6: Review Debug Logs
After execution, click the Debug Only check box, and the user will see the four logs with details.
- AI Response ID: Displays the ID of the Security Audit record created after execution.
- Actual Response: This shows the AI response after running the prompt.
- AI Response Status: Indicates the status after execution, whether a Success or an Error.
- Error Message: Displays the error message if any issue arises during the operation.
Step 7: Check the GPTfy App for Audit Record
Now, you can check in the GPTfy App for the security audit record created to see the detailed information.
Now, you can successfully use AI with Apex Class and set up automation for various tasks.
Facing issues while setting it up? Please mail us at or Raise a ticket.